From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1937 all stars crop FINAL2
Alice Roosevelt by Frances Benjamin Johnston
Barack Obama family portrait 2011
Barack Obama with artistic gymnastic McKayla Maroney 2
Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C. (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mathew Ahmann in a crowd.) - NARA - 542015 - Restoration
District of Columbia coat of arms (illustrated, 1876)
Dorothy Houston Jacobson 1967 - Crop
Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt by Frances Benjamin Johnston
George Washington by John Trumbull (1780)
Gilbert Stuart - Catherine Brass Yates
Gilbert Stuart Williamstown Portrait of George Washington
James Abram Garfield, photo portrait seated
John Campbell Dancy, Recorder of Deeds, Washington, D.C.
LOC Main Reading Room Highsmith
Latrobe White House cropa2
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. - c. 1902
Lincoln assassination slide c1900 - Restoration
MADISON, James-President (BEP engraved portrait)
Michelle Obama 2013 official portrait
National Cathedral Sanctuary Panorama
Obama and Biden await updates on bin Laden
Ronald McNair, Guion Bluford, and Fred Gregory (S79-36529, restoration)
US Capitol Building at night Jan 2006
VAN BUREN, Martin-President (BEP engraved portrait)
WASHINGTON, George-President (BEP engraved portrait)
Washington Monument Dusk Jan 2006