Communication differences on diverse teams

David Livermore | 17 May 2023

Differences in communication styles can be a constant source of conflict on diverse teams. Understanding these differences is key to building trust, avoiding misunderstandings and leading more effectively.

Hybrid teams: keeping up the connections

Marco Favaloro

It's all too easy for those all-important 'water cooler' moments to evaporate in the new hybrid world of work. So how do you build deeper relationships in teams that rarely share the same physical space?

Leadership advice you should ignore

David Livermore

So much advice to leaders and entrepreneurs is ill suited to leading in today's digital, diverse world. It often includes kernels of truth, but much of it needs a major rethink, starting with these.

The great mismatch?

Wayne Turmel

First was "the Great Resignation." Then there was "Quiet Quitting." But the latest buzzword flying around to help us understand the changing workplace is "the Great Mismatch."

Five questions culturally intelligent leaders ask themselves everyday

David Livermore

While cultural intelligence (CQ) needs to inform big picture strategic and operational issues, where it really comes to life is in the everyday practices of a leader.

Leaders, teammates, and teams

Wayne Turmel

The trend for remote work was rising for years before the COVID tsunami hit. But now we've passed that first big wave of change, what will teamwork look like going forward?

We're at a post-Covid inflection point. Now what?

Wayne Turmel

Three years of Covid-inspired disruption to the way work is done has left uncertainty in its wake. But waving a magic wand and saying, "we're going back to the way things were," isn't going to work for a number of reasons.

From the archive

Morale: a moving target

Duane Dike

What we think we know about morale is probably wrong, especially the black and white notion that morale is either ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Like most human feelings, morale is a moving target, which is why being sensitive to its nuances is such a key skill for leaders.

Alison Romney Eyring

What makes a growth leader?

Alison Romney Eyring

Leading an organization through a period of rapid growth is hard work. But when that growth is taking place outside a company's home culture or market, growth leaders face even tougher challenges.

Andy Hanselman

The ingredients of customer delight

Andy Hanselman

In truly customer-focused organisations, 'customer delight' is an integral part of the culture. It's just the way things are done. And whatever your industry or sector, there are some common ingredients that can help you achieve it.

Andy Hanselman

Do you only hear what you want to hear?

Andy Hanselman

Far too many organisations take the attitude with their customers: 'when things go well please tell us; when they don't, then don't bother'.

Wayne Turmel

Enough of all this 'quiet quitting'

Wayne Turmel

Every once in a while, the business press gets hold of an idea and works it like a dog with a sock until it's unrecognizable. Such is the case with 'quiet quitting'.

Earlier opinion

The key ingredients for digital project success

Greig Johnston

More than eight out of 10 digital projects get delayed, run over budget, and/or fail to deliver what they promised. So how can organisations avoid falling into the same trap?

Corporate culture: have we lost our touch?

Bob Selden

Remote working is all very well, but how can we get a real feel for other people and build meaningful relationships without ever being in physical proximity to them?

Proper vacations are all about teamwork

Wayne Turmel

Far too many of us (especially Americans), don't use all our vacation time. But taking time off to recharge our batteries helps the whole team, so making sure that happens is a team effort, too.

The leadership trust crisis

David Livermore

Across the world, trust in leadership is at an all-time low. But global leaders also need to be mindful that many approaches to rebuilding trust are biased toward Western values.

Leveraging tech to succeed at hybrid working

Jesper Theill Eriksen

A variety of issues still plague today's hybrid work environments, particularly around the tech used to enable effective remote working.

How to talk about the elephant in the room

David Livermore

Knowing how to identify and constructively address unresolved conflict in different cultural situations is a key skill for global leaders.

Eight steps to achieving a high-performance culture

Vlatka Ariaana Hlupic

Creating a high-performance culture is often touted as the holy grail of today's organisations. But achieving it in practice remains an elusive concept.

Onboarding on hybrid teams

Wayne Turmel

Bringing people onto a hybrid team presents all the challenges associated with an office-based team, as well as many of the challenges that come with a fully remote team.

Presenting to diverse audiences

David Livermore

Presentation skills are a critical part of being an effective leader. But the more diverse your audience, the more you have to plan ahead and adjust the way you present.

Can you work from home and still have a career?

Wayne Turmel

Everyone knows that if you work from home once everyone else returns to the office, you've obviously decided your career doesn't matter. Right?

Creating serendipity in the workplace

Christian Busch

Everyone experiences good or bad luck at some point in their lives. But what if luck isn't as blind as we thought? What if it is something we can cultivate in the workplace and beyond?

The demise of the Blackberry and its link to Covid

Bob Selden

What's the link between the iconic Blackberry phone and the Covid pandemic?