Did you know that half of customers who make a complaint ask a question about a company on Twitter expect a response in one hour! That, plus some other scary statistics, are among this week's 3D iDeas.
Did you know that half of customers who make a complaint ask a question about a company on Twitter expect a response in one hour! That, plus some other quite scary statistics, are among this week's 3D iDeas (together with a brilliant example of customer delight from Harley Davidson that we can all learn from).
Andy's 3D Thoughts (Dramatically and Demonstrably Different) are a short, sharp, bunch of ideas, thoughts and recommendations to start your week from Management-Issues columnist and business competitiveness guru, Andy Hanselman.
Every week, Andy spends three minutes helping you develop your '3D' approach to finding, attracting and keeping customers! That means being 'Dramatically and Demonstrably Different' in this ever more competitive world.