Category Archive

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Federal workers engaged but unappreciated, says U.S sudy

Nic Paton | 18 October 2005

Federal employees in the U.S are more motivated, engaged and happier than their counterparts in the private sector, but at the same feel unappreciated by their immediate bosses.

Government 'must grasp the nettle on public sector pensions'

Brian Amble | 26 September 2005

The British government needs to grasp the nettle on public sector pension reform to stop private sector workers and tax-paying pensioners being forced to subsidise generous retirement and pension arrangements for civil servants.

Public sector breeds its own fat cats

Brian Amble | 29 August 2005

Public sector organisations in Britain are increasingly offering six figure salaries to high-fliers in an attempt to compete with private sector companies and retain experienced staff.

UK public sector continuing to hire at will

Nic Paton | 22 August 2005

The British public sector is continuing to expand at a rate of knots, despite Government pledges to slash civil service jobs and make huge cost savings.

How long can the public-sector gravy train stay on the rails?

Brian Amble | 18 August 2005

Over the past seven years, the government has raised salaries and strengthened the terms, conditions and pension rights of Britain's public sector employees to a level that would be the envy of most private sector workers, writes Gabriel Rozenberg in the Times today.

More pride in private sector companies

Brian Amble | 03 August 2005

Workers in the private sector have more confidence in where their organisation is going and feel greater pride in the job it is doing for customers and clients than their public sector counterparts.

The elephant in the room

Brian Amble | 01 August 2005

Private-sector workers in Britain are gradually waking up to the fact that, just as their occupational schemes are winding down, they face being forced to pay higher taxes to help pay for the generous index-linked pensions of the growing army of public sector workers.

Absence gap just got wider

Nic Paton | 11 July 2005

The gap between the number of sick days taken in the private sector in the UK versus the public sector has reached its widest in four years, new figures have suggested.

Public sector failing to manage IT abuse

Nic Paton | 14 June 2005

Abuse of workplace computers, including viewing online pornography while at work, is still a major problem for the public sector in the UK, an influential study has suggested.

Days lost to strikes double

Brian Amble | 09 June 2005

The number of days lost to industrial action in Britain almost doubled between 2003 and 2004, although the number of strikes were the lowest on record.

Public sector absenteeism is a sick joke

Nic Paton | 09 May 2005

The billions of pounds of taxpayer's money pouring into Britain's public sector has had no effect at all on its absenteeism levels, as new figures reveal that sickness rates have continued to rise.

Doctors' careers suffering from poor childcare

Nic Paton | 07 May 2005

Six out of ten doctors in Britain do not have adequate access to affordable childcare, forcing many to put their careers on hold, the British Medical Association has warned.

Gloomy outlook for graduate job market

Brian Amble | 21 April 2005

A growing sense of gloom is enveloping Britain's gradates as new survey reveals that only a third expect to land a graduate-level job when they leave university compared to half in 1998.

Civil service resisting flexible working trends

Nic Paton | 18 April 2005

The civil service is proving resistant to allowing staff to work from home, despite it being a key part of the Government's ambitious cost-saving drive for central government.

Ballooning bureaucracy undermining Britain's competitiveness

Brian Amble | 18 April 2005

Britain's burgeoning public sector bureaucracy coupled with large regional economic disparities have caused it to plunge down the global economic competitiveness league since Labour came to power in 1997, according to new research.

Public sector not all 'bowler hats and bureaucrats', says TUC

Nic Paton | 08 April 2005

The 'bowler hats and bureaucrats' image of the public sector – and the view that job cuts can be made without having a negative impact on services – is a myth, unions have argued.

One in 10 final year students have yet to start job hunting

Nic Paton | 06 April 2005

They may be graduating in a little over four months’ time, but just one in five undergraduates say they already have jobs lined up, and one in 10 have not even started looking yet.

Get ministers out of management

Brian Amble | 05 April 2005

Writing in The Business yesterday, John Seddon argued that Britain's public services have not improved – and places the blame for their continuing failure on the management failings of politicians and bureaucrats.

Industry sceptical about success of public sector reforms

Nic Paton | 29 March 2005

Businesses are dissatisfied with progress on public service reform and sceptical about the Government’s cost-saving plans, according to a survey.

Public sector jobs surge fuels claims of bureaucracy bloat

Nic Paton | 11 March 2005

New figures on the rocketing number of public sector employees will do little to quell controversy surrounding the types of public sector jobs being created.

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