Category Archive

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One in three workers never consulted over major changes

Nic Paton | 29 April 2005

As many as one in three UK workers claim they are kept in the dark and never consulted when a major change occurs in their organisation

An open letter to the closed-minded boss

Dan Bobinski | 28 April 2005

After hearing one too many horror stories about bosses who never practice what they preach or rule with an iron fist with the 'my way or the highway' approach, I've decided to pen an open letter on behalf of mismanaged employees everywhere.

Gearing up for growth

Sue Cheshire | 25 April 2005

When a business gears up for growth and the inevitable changes this brings, everyone looks to the top for direction. This is especially true – and difficult - for SMEs.

Psst, most workers get news through gossip first

Nic Paton | 05 April 2005

British workplaces are so riddled with gossip that employees believe they are more likely to hear important workplace announcements through the office rumour-mill than direct from their managers.

When mistakes are made

Dan Bobinski | 31 March 2005

Every company is made up of human beings and human beings are fallible, so it’s only natural that mistakes will be made in business. It's how we deal with them that really matters.

Britain's managers fail to inspire

Brian Amble | 30 March 2005

Only a third of Britons regard their manager as a role model, with many seeing their boss's failure to involve them when developing new ideas or making decisions as a real turn-off.

Employees ignorant of consultation revolution

Brian Amble | 23 March 2005

Three-quarters of employees are not aware that April 6 will bring them new rights to be consulted on major employment issues in the workplace.

Ignore new information regulations at your peril, firms warned

Nic Paton | 04 March 2005

Firms that ignore new EU information and consultation regulations could find themselves being forced to adopt rigid arrangements for consulting staff that do not suit their business.

British bosses caught in credibility gap

Brian Amble | 16 February 2005

Workers in Britain are significantly more cynical about the job being done by senior management than their counterparts in the USA, with fewer than a third expressing trust and confidence in their leaders.

Ignoring staff ideas can prove costly, warns survey

Nic Paton | 13 December 2004

They may often seem trivial, irrelevant or downright silly, but ideas generated by staff can be worth hundreds and thousands of pounds, a study has suggested.

Talking is the key to shiny, happy workers

Nic Paton | 22 November 2004

Communication, communication, communication is the best way to keep staff happy, loyal and engaged, a study has concluded.

Beware the backfiring suggestion scheme

Nic Paton | 15 November 2004

Suggestion schemes that encourage staff to come forward with ideas can backfire spectacularly if they are not managed properly, according to a new survey.

German firms demand consultation changes

Brian Amble | 10 November 2004

The business lobby in Germany is calling for fundamental changes to legislation which mandates companies to let their workforce have a role in corporate decision-making.

False economies

Brian Amble | 14 October 2004

'The only way companies will keep their customers (and their revenues) is if they can keep their customers happy.' It seems stunningly obvious. But so many organisations forget it.

Legal & General dubbed best employer

Brian Amble | 11 October 2004

Insurance giant Legal & General has been dubbed Britain's best employer because it retains a good pension scheme, has refused to offshore jobs to India and consults with its staff on business decisions.

Firms urged not to be ostrichs over information directive

Nic Paton | 07 October 2004

UK businesses still have their heads in the sand about next year’s Information and Consultation Directive – and as a result risk missing out on a golden opportunity to engage with their workers.

Eradicating demotivation

Brian Amble | 07 October 2004

In order to motivate people, you first need to eradicate demotivation, writes Brian Bloch in the Telegraph. But too many bosses still cling to the perennial fallacy that 'people will work properly if they are paid enough'.

Under-appreciated staff means untapped potential

Brian Amble | 29 September 2004

Half of Britons admit that they could more productive at work but feel that they would get more done if their employers valued them more and gave them greater control over their working patterns.

Evaluating the use of performance evaluations

Dan Bobinski | 24 September 2004

Performance evaluations are the most underused tool in management. And when they are used, they are the most misused tool in management. Why?

Customer service or just management babble?

Brian Amble | 21 September 2004

Employees in UK PLC are keen to deliver excellent customer service but are let down by a lack of support from their bosses, a new report has found, with utilities companies emerging as the worst on almost all counts.

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