Category Archive

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Employee development critical for U.S. employers

Brian Amble | 06 June 2005

American companies risk an exodus of organisational knowledge and experience because they are failing to put in place formal employee development programmes to compensate for the retirement of millions of working Baby Boomers.

The ephemeral CEO

Brian Amble | 19 May 2005

Power in the corporation is permanently shifting away from CEOs, as a global study reveals a growing haste – particularly in Europe - to remove CEOs who fail to deliver strong results in the first few years of their tenure.

When things go wrong are CEOs always to blame?

Robert Heller | 26 March 2005

Chief executives are being fired more frequently, and sooner into their reigns, than ever before. But these dismissals are harsh short-term decisions.

Planning for the unexpected

Brian Amble | 10 March 2005

Harry Stonecipher's resignation demonstrates how important it is for companies to be on top of succession planning. Because it a truism that the unexpected often happens.

Good and bad managers

Robert Heller | 04 March 2005

Every manager should possess firm and well-informed opinions on the subject of management itself. Everybody has been unfortunate enough to work for a bad manager but hopefully also experienced a good one.

All change at the top

Martyn Sakol | 06 December 2004

As CEO churn increases, more and more firms are seeking outside help to manage their leadership transition successfully, says Martyn Sakol.

Lack of succession planning threatens thousands of businesses

Brian Amble | 30 November 2004

The future of tens of thousands of small businesses across the UK is in doubt because their owners are failing to put in place effective succession planning.

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