Category Archive

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BA gets indigestion

Brian Amble | 12 August 2005

The chaos that has engulfed British Airways as a result of a dispute involving its catering supplier, Gate Gourmet, can be traced all the way back to the airline's efficiency drive which has seen 13,000 jobs cut and £700m shaved from its costs, according to Michael Harrison in the Independent.

Tribunal cases fall by a quarter

Brian Amble | 13 July 2005

The number of grievance cases taken to Britain's employment tribunals fell by a quarter last year, according to official figures. But questions about the effectiveness of the system remain.

Revolution in working patterns as UK gets flexible

Brian Amble | 05 July 2005

The past seven years has seen major changes in working patterns in Britain, with a dramatic increase in flexible and part-time working heralding a transformation in the way that employees balance work and family responsibilities.

Employers awash with tribunal claims

Nic Paton | 20 June 2005

One employer in four has faced an employment tribunal claim in the past two years after disciplining an employee, with one in five facing a claim after an employee grievance, latest research has suggested.

Days lost to strikes double

Brian Amble | 09 June 2005

The number of days lost to industrial action in Britain almost doubled between 2003 and 2004, although the number of strikes were the lowest on record.

Employers fuelling the compensation culture

Brian Amble | 09 June 2005

Employers are fuelling Britain's compensation culture by settling employment tribunals claims before they reach court, fearing massive legal costs and threats to their reputation.

Too many managers?

Brian Amble | 10 May 2005

Can't find a plumber or electrician when you need one? Now we know why, as new figures reveal that Britain now has more senior managers than it does skilled tradespeople.

Re-training package for Longbridge workers may be optimistic

Nic Paton | 28 April 2005

Optimistic predictions that the workers laid off at Longbridge will be snapped up by other industries in short order may be wide of the mark, a study has suggested.

How to shoot yourself in the foot

Dan Bobinski | 15 April 2005

Failing to document poor performance, forgetting to produce standard operating procedures or not creating clear job expectations is just plain bad management practice in today's litigious climate.

Employees ignorant of consultation revolution

Brian Amble | 23 March 2005

Three-quarters of employees are not aware that April 6 will bring them new rights to be consulted on major employment issues in the workplace.

Employer, yes. Dictator, no

Dan Bobinski | 21 February 2005

When employers dictate what their employees can or cannot do in their own time, they have crossed the line. Big time.

Managers far from love-struck about office romances

Nic Paton | 11 February 2005

Monday may be Valentine’s Day, but getting all gooey and romantic in the office is increasingly being frowned upon in British workplaces.

Unions face extinction unless they evolve

Brian Amble | 31 January 2005

British trade unions face a painful journey to extinction if they fail to evolve, according to a provocative analysis from a leading business academic.

Public sector workers threaten pensions protests

Brian Amble | 13 January 2005

Trade union members across the UK are planning a nationwide day of campaigning in February to protest against changes the government is planning to make to the pensions of public sector workers.

Ryanair staff bite back

Brian Amble | 11 January 2005

The International Transport Workers' Federation has set up a website - - to offer the staff of the strongly anti-union airline Ryanair 'the freedom to discuss their work, conditions and any problems they have'.

Are Europe's unions doomed?

Brian Amble | 10 January 2005

Can Europe hold out as the last bastion of unionisation in the rich world?

Pressure building for more flexible workplaces

Nic Paton | 07 January 2005

UK workers are unhappy with the hours they work, and want their employers to do more to help them work more flexibly, according to a report from the Work Foundation.

Unpaid overtime costs workers nearly £5,000 each

Nic Paton | 06 January 2005

UK employees did unpaid overtime worth £23 billion last year, according to an analysis of latest figures by the TUC.

Merrill wins £7.5m sex discrimination case

Nic Paton | 23 December 2004

A former executive of Merrill Lynch yesterday lost her sex discrimination case against the US bank.

Thousands lose out when it comes to Christmas holidays

Nic Paton | 23 December 2004

With much of Britain poised to shut down for the next two weeks, spare a thought for the tens of thousands of vulnerable workers who will lose out this Christmas, the charity Citizens Advice has warned.

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