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Edward de Bono

Edward de Bono

Edward de Bono is a leading authority in the field of creative thinking. Over 35 years after the publication of his first book, "The Mechanism of Mind", the basic principles he outlined are now mainstream thinking in the mathematics of self-organising systems and in the design of neuro-computers. His many subsequent books have been translated into 26 languages.

Innovation and the readiness to do something new

14 Apr 2011

Real innovation implies a readiness to explore and implement new ideas. But many organisations have a deep-seated fear of failure and do not like to try new things, even when much lip-service is paid to innovation.

Decision-making and the benefits of change

04 Mar 2011

It is important to consider the future benefits that change might bring about in the decision-making process. Unfortunately, the short-term nature of most businesses means that this rarely happens.

Thinking outside the box

13 Jan 2011

We['re often told we need to 'think outside the box', with the implication that the 'box' is a bad thing. Yet, to be honest, the box is a very good thing indeed, because it contains the values, attitudes, beliefs and assumptions that allow us to behave in a rational and useful way.

Teamwork and creativity

09 Dec 2010

Many people believe that creativity should be as free and unstructured as possible. But I would argue that creativity can better be delivered through teams whose function and tasks are clearly and distinctly defined.

Management thinking is not all about problems

19 Oct 2010

Far too many executives believe that management thinking is all about continuity and problem-solving. But what if something is not a problem?

Why intelligence does not equal better thinking

08 Sep 2010

Most of us assume that intelligent people are better at thinking. But this is not necessarily true. Just because somebody is good at analysis doesn't mean that they will be good at design thinking or operational thinking.

Finding the motivation for creativity

02 Aug 2010

To climb a mountain you need the intention and the right attitude – the belief that it can be done. But you also need to learn climbing skills. Exactly the same is true of creative thinking.

Looking beyond problem-solving

09 Jul 2010

Problem-solving is valuable in itself. But identifying a problem and working to put it right isn't the key to unlocking real creativity. That's all about exploring possibilities, questioning established ideas and looking for value.

Leadership and the need for creative thinking

03 Jun 2010

It's no accident that business is more interested in thinking than other sectors of society. It is because business has a reality test. There is a bottom line. There are results. And better or more creative thinking will result in more profits or market share.

How can you tell when you need new ideas?

30 Apr 2010

Improvements often require creativity. So there is a real need to spend some time thinking creatively to try to find a better solution, even when there is a routine solution to a problem or a routine way of doing something.

Creativity deserves to be taken seriously

06 Apr 2010

Organisations spend a large amount of money on computers and IT systems. But while information is essential, so are ideas. Yet creativity isn't taken seriously at all.

The power of proactive thinking

09 Mar 2010

Every organisation can benefit from some deliberate thinking. This isn't the thinking we do when we are sitting at a desk or taking part in a discussion. It is a formal process designed to generate new ideas and perceptions, and to take action around any possibilities that exist.

How new ideas can challenge complacency

01 Feb 2010

If you want to challenge complacency in an organisation, you need to make a strong case with strong ideas. Simply claiming that 'things could be better' is too vague.

Business improvement ideas: working in groups

04 Jan 2010

Original thinkers ought to have the courage to pursue ideas on their own - even when those around them are negative. But there are some situations where groups can be helpful in coming up with ideas to improve the way a business operates.

Creative thinking beyond the main track

01 Dec 2009

More information does not in itself produce new ideas. Neither does more analysis or more logic. That's why there is a real need to develop the skill of creative thinking.

Creativity is easier when it's structured

02 Nov 2009

There is a mistaken belief that there should be no restrictions or barriers around creativity. But in reality, creativity is easier if there is some structure. The introduction of focus actually enhances the process.

Focusing on problem-solving can lead to complacency

29 Sep 2009

When things are going smoothly and there are no problems, people are fooled into believing there is no need to think. So they are lulled into a state of complacency – and continuity does not produce new ideas.

Business ideas, design and judgment

21 Aug 2009

For most aspects of life, judgment is crucial and extremely useful. But judgment on its own isn't enough. Rather than accepting or rejecting an idea, you need look at business ideas in order to 'see where you can move to'.

Innovation through creativity

24 Jul 2009

There are many myths about creativity. A major one is that creativity is a mysterious talent that some people have and others can only envy. But anyone can learn and practise the thinking skill of creativity.

How lateral thinking can help us find better ideas

29 Jun 2009

The whole purpose of lateral thinking is to allow us to cut across patterns and to find new ideas. As with all creativity, the ideas must be valuable and logical in hindsight.

Business improvement ideas: don't just settle for excellent

27 May 2009

The usual way to bring about chnage is to prove that something is wrong or inadequate and needs altering. But if something is already adequate, a new idea is unlikely to be adopted, however much better it is.

Overcoming the limitations of language

24 Apr 2009

Language is OK at describing new things - a helicopter, television or computer - but less good at describing new types of mental behaviour. So perhaps we need to invent a new word to describe certain types of mental activity.

Make concepts part of your strategy

20 Mar 2009

In a business, who should be on the lookout for 'concepts'? Concepts can occur to anyone at any time, so the answer is that it is everybody's business to look for new concepts.

How creative people can 'smell' a useful idea

19 Feb 2009

At an early stage, creative people can sense the 'smell' of a new idea. They are then sufficiently motivated to pursue and develop that creative thought. But how do they do it?