
Communication differences on diverse teams

17 May 2023 | David Livermore

Differences in communication styles can be a constant source of conflict on diverse teams. Understanding these differences is key to building trust, avoiding misunderstandings and leading more effectively.

What Is the language of conscious leadership?

19 Dec 2022 | Vlatka Ariaana Hlupic

Words have their own energy and meaning and need to be chosen with care. That's why language is such an important barometer of organisational culture.

Is there a place for gossip in the new normal?

16 Aug 2022 | Bob Selden

Social chit-chat is a vital part of being human. But how does that fit in with the the new normal of hybrid or home working where our physical contact with others is limited?

Presenting to diverse audiences

28 Mar 2022 | David Livermore

Presentation skills are a critical part of being an effective leader. But the more diverse your audience, the more you have to plan ahead and adjust the way you present.

Five remote team new year's resolutions

04 Jan 2022 | Wayne Turmel

The new year is a great time to ask some fundamental questions about how your remote team works together and what needs to change.

The mortar in a project's wall

08 Jan 2021 | Wayne Turmel

What holds a wall together is the mortar between the bricks. And what holds a project together is the effective, clear and proactive communication between individuals.

Snip those email threads!

27 Jul 2020 | Wayne Turmel

if there’s one complaint everyone has about communicating with their teammates it's long email threads - you know, the ones that start as a simple request for information and grow like a virus.

Don't use technology as an excuse for bad management

05 Jun 2020 | Wayne Turmel

When it comes to managing a remote team, technology is not a communication problem. So stop blaming the tools if you chose the wrong one for the wrong reason.

Honest feedback can make you a better leader

01 Jun 2020 | Jim Barnett

We humans are often very poor at self-awareness. But anyone who sees themselves as a leader can’t afford to be complacent, and emerging leaders in particular need honest feedback.

Open questions, open communication

20 May 2020 | Wayne Turmel

Working remotely, we miss the non-verbal signals we see when working face-to-face. That's why asking open questions is one of the most critical skills the manager of a remote team can possess.

Five reasons remote teams fail

20 Apr 2020 | Wayne Turmel

Many managers are now discovering that leading a remote team isn’t that different to leading a co-located one. But they do have to re-think how they do certain things. Here are five ways you can get that wrong.

A whole new ballgame?

14 Jan 2020 | Wayne Turmel

Adopting remote teams might seem like a whole new ball game, but it’s the same game - just played on a slightly different field. The WHAT doesn’t really change, it's the HOW that's different.

How to tell if you're mansplaining

17 Sep 2019 | David Livermore

Are mansplaining and its close cousin, whitesplaining, real things or are they just more pop psychology terms? David Livermore interviews Dr Amy Heaton to find out.

Getting feedback from a virtual audience

10 Sep 2019 | Wayne Turmel

Speaking to large groups on-line can be deeply disconcerting. Why? Because even in a lecture-type presentation, you get all kinds of feedback. But doing it virtually feels like you’re talking into a void.

Vital lessons from an eight year old

30 Jul 2019 | Wayne Turmel

The most important business lesson I ever learned, I learned at eight years old. And it’s something that is as relevant to all of us today as it was to me as a kid back then.

Code is easier than people

11 Jul 2019 | Wayne Turmel

Going from being a ‘doer’ to being a manager isn’t easy, because managing others demands interpersonal and communication skills that need to be worked on.

The 'golden suggestion' for managers

17 Jun 2019 | Wayne Turmel

The old saying “do unto others as you’d like them to do unto you” Is fine advice. But when it comes to management, it's not so simple. Let me explain why it doesn’t stack up.

The two big communication questions

27 May 2019 | Wayne Turmel

Communication increasingly seems to be a question of technology. But it isn’t. It's a complicated process with lots of moving parts. And it starts with two very important questions

The cost of bad meetings

26 Mar 2019 | Wayne Turmel

Bad meetings cost companies billions of dollars every year. But this waste is easily avoidable if only we'd all ask ourselves a couple of basic questions and think a little more about how and why we have meetings.

Are you hiding behind technology?

06 Aug 2018 | Wayne Turmel

We all get tired, rushed and overworked. And when we do, it's tempting to use technology as an excuse to take the easy way out by avoiding confrontation or uncomfortable conversations.