Coaching & Mentoring

Beyond coaching psychobabble: let the buyer beware

27 Mar 2018 | Manfred Kets De Vries

The advertising pitches of many coaches raise false expectations and seem designed to fool the gullible. Contrary to all the hype, creating meaningful behaviour change is neither easy, fast nor linear.

Leadership coaching and invisible change

15 Oct 2015 | Ian Day

Changes in behaviour can look very different to different people. So leaders who have been undertaking coaching need to be aware that people around them may observe changes in their behaviour before they start to feel any change themselves.

Improving your remote coaching sessions

13 Aug 2014 | Wayne Turmel

We all know how important it is for managers to coach team members. But with remote teams, coaching conversations can be particularly tough to get right. Here’s how to get round the lack of non-verbal cues to make your remote coaching sessions more effective.

10 beliefs that hold you back

20 Jun 2014 | Gary Cole

We all suffer from limiting beliefs that impact our effectiveness. In our professional lives, these limiting beliefs can cause a chronic, sometimes very acute, malaise. Here are the most common - and some ways to go about dismantling them.

This is who I am – deal with it

21 Feb 2014 | Dan Bobinski

Before we start to pick holes in others, we need to look at ourselves first. That's why managers whose attitude is, 'this is who I am, deal with it' are so toxic, and why the higher up the ladder they climb, the worse the fall-out can be.

With resolutions, you go where you're focused

27 Dec 2013 | Dan Bobinski

At the beginning of each year, millions of people and companies make New Year's Resolutions. And every March or April, most can't recall what resolutions they made. The main reason? They did not focus on their goals.

Mentoring gap keeping women and minorities out of corporate elite

20 Sep 2013 | Brian Amble

The numbers of women and people from racial minorities serving on America's corporate boards may have increased over the past decade, but the influential elite holding multiple board positions remains a white, male closed-shop. New research explores why.

Too much or too little, ego undermines leadership

19 Sep 2013 | Cindy Wahler

Ego – either much or too little – is a prime leadership derailer, which is why assessing it needs to be a key component of the talent planning process.

A positive difference

26 Mar 2012 | Brian Amble

Workplace counselling services can make a significant and lasting improvement to the lives of people with work-related stress and other problems, new research has found.

The value of having a coach or mentor

03 Oct 2011 | Dan Bobinski

Everyone has room to grow. That's why everyone can benefit from having a coach or mentor, whether it is to help you achieve explicit workplace objectives and goals or to help you grow in various aspects of your life, with an agenda set by you.

To coach or not to coach

16 Sep 2011 | Brian Amble

If you were offered the services of an executive coach, would you jump at the chance? According to a new survey, most of us would. But a significant proportion of executives sometimes refuse the coaching their employer offers.

She's a nightmare – but irreplaceable

20 Apr 2009 | Dan Bobinski

One of David's employees generates around 30% of his company's sales. But she is a nightmare to work with, alienating colleagues and poisoning the atmosphere. Dan Bobinski suggests how to deal with the situation.

Socrates, Plato and the guy in accounting

14 Apr 2009 | Wayne Turmel

If we cast our minds back to the best managers we ever had, most of us will think about someone who helped propel our careers. But would our people put us in that lofty category? What are we doing for them?

Mentoring your way out of recession

26 Jan 2009 | Nic Paton

With budgets for formal training getting slashed, managers are going to have to start spending much more time mentoring and coaching their teams themselves.

Coaching no longer the preserve of the elite

26 Mar 2008 | Nic Paton

The days of coaching being something reserved for directors and senior management are long gone as a new report finds that two fifths of UK employers now offer coaching to staff at all levels.

You nurture, you grow

10 Oct 2007 | Charles Helliwell

A study conducted by Kimberly-Clark has concluded that business improvements are four times more likely, when senior executives mentor and encourage their senior managers' coaching and development efforts.

Accentuate the positive

24 Sep 2007 | Janet Howd

We all accept that athletes, dancers and musicians need to go through unusual rigours to raise their game. So why not accept that similarly rigorous re-alignment of thought and physique might benefit us, too?

How do I stop the lying?

21 Jun 2007 | Charles Helliwell

Craig has been coaching an employee on performance issues, but the problems seem to run much deeper than this. As Charles Helliwell points out, it's almost impossible to coach someone to value their work, if they don't enjoy it or find it stimulating.

Executive coaching losing its gloss

20 Jun 2007 | Brian Amble

Executive coaching might have passed its peak of popularity, according to a new survey, with a third of organizations calling on coaches less frequently now than they did in the past.

Coach or cowboy?

05 Jun 2007 | Nic Paton

British businesses spend a fortune on coaching for their staff, yet two thirds believe coaching has become riddled with cowboys and the same proportion never measure whether their money is being spent wisely.