Compensation & Benefits

Money talks: the power of salary transparency

21 Nov 2022 | Noura Dadzie

In the U.S., six states have passed laws requiring employers to publish salary information in an effort to reduce wage gaps. So should more organisations be prioritising salary transparency?

Financial wellbeing: the next target for workplace disruption?

15 Jan 2020 | David Fairhurst

Several years ago, I warned about a looming 'workforce cliff' as demand for workers outstrips supply. Now that employers are thinking differently about the experience they are creating, one area which seems ripe for innovation is pay.

Do CEOs deserve their pay?

10 Apr 2018 | Manfred Kets De Vries

In order to understand the greed spiral of CEO pay, we need to look at the systemic issues and dynamics that have led to the modern-day ‘cult of the CEO’.

Male managers' bonuses are double those of women

20 Aug 2013 | Brian Amble

British men in management positions stand to earn over £141,500 ($220,000) more in bonuses over the course of their working lifetimes than women doing the same jobs, a new report has found.

CEO pay based on self-serving myth

12 Feb 2013 | Brian Amble

The argument that stratospheric levels of CEO pay are justified by the need to compete for top talent in a global marketplace is nothing more than a 'self-serving myth', a new report claims.

Handsome men earn more

07 Jan 2013 | Brian Amble

Men whose looks are rated as being above average earn considerably more than their less attractive counterparts, according to new research from the University of Melbourne.

Women in finance still paid less than men

22 May 2012 | Brian Amble

Women working in financial services in the UK earned some 20 per cent less on average than men in 2011, according to research from eFinancialCareers.

Pay rises stay low across Europe

09 Mar 2012 | Brian Amble

Pay rises across Europe's largest economies look set to average around just three percent in 2012, a significantly lower increase than employees in several other regions can expect to receive this year.

A new variety of carrot?

02 Mar 2012 | Bob Selden

The metaphor of carrots as motivators is still alive and well. But carrots don't work for all of the people all of the time. So how do we package reward and remuneration to meet the needs of people at all levels of an organisation?

Spend or save?

16 Dec 2010 | Brian Amble

Receiving an unexpected holiday bonus can put a smile on anyone's face - especially in the current climate. But why do some employees choose to spend their bonus immediately while others save this money for the future?

Money, happiness and motivation

01 Dec 2010 | Bob Selden

The first thing Clive Palmer did when he bought a loss-making Australian nickel refinery in July 2009 was to raise the of pay of its employees and then ask them how to run the business. The results have been impressive – and so too Clive Palmer's generosity in return.

UK boardroom pay rises 55 per cent

29 Oct 2010 | Brian Amble

Despite average pay increases not breaking the three per cent barrier, the directors of Britain's 100 largest companies enjoyed a 55 per cent rise in total earnings over the last year.

US pay freeze finally thawing

14 Oct 2010 | Brian Amble

After almost two years of austerity, there are signs that the great US pay freeze could be finally be thawing, with three-quarters of the employers that froze pay expecting to change their policy by the end of 2010.

Business as usual for executive pay

13 Sep 2010 | Brian Amble

The British economy may still be in the doldrums, but that doesn't seem to be having any effect on size of the bonuses paid to the country's top executives.

What are you worth?

02 Sep 2010 | Bob Selden

Despite the recession, CEOs continue to pay themselves vast sums while expecting others to suffer - with those CEOs who slashed their workforces the deepest earning the most. As a new report puts it, 'CEOs laid off thousands while raking in millions.'

Optional extra?

29 Jul 2010 | Brian Amble

The effectiveness of stock options as part of a reward package has became something of an article of faith in the tech sector. But is there any evidence to back this up?

Flexible working tops benefits wish-list

01 Jun 2010 | Brian Amble

Flexible working is the most valued benefit for employees, proving far more popular than material perks such as bonuses, according to a new survey carried out in the UK by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Has HR finally hit the big time?

27 Apr 2010 | Dona Roche-Tarry

One of the ironic twists of the economic meltdown is that the very issues HR leaders have been voicing for decades are now the hot topics for CEOs and boards across all industries. That's good for HR - but it also means it needs to raise its game.

How capitalism was tested beyond its limits

09 Mar 2010 | Robert Heller

Capitalism has been tested beyond its limits by completely false and inherently risky assumptions. Globalisation transpired to be a trap and a delusion. What looked like a dead cert for the world economy became a sure nightmare.

Bankers bonuses are a self-created myth

02 Mar 2010 | Nic Paton

Wall Street and the City of London will beg to differ, but a Dutch business school says that the need to hand out vast bonuses within the banking world is a 'self-created myth'.