
in association with Grenoble Ecole de Management

Over a barrel: paying the price for cheap oil

Isabelle Chaboud

The oil companies have had to take out loans, slash investment and sell assets to deal with the plunge in the price of oil. At the same time, shareholder payouts have been maintained. But for how long?

Pfizer, Allergan and fiscal sleight of hand

Isabelle Chaboud

The potential merger of Pfizer and Allergan might create the world's largest pharmaceutical company, but it will also make Pfizer the biggest tax deserter in U.S. history.

Taking the fight to ISIS

Jean-François Fiorina

“France is at war,” President Francois Hollande declared last week after the attacks on Paris. But declaring war is just the start. War requires a a 'war effort', and that raises a host of other questions.

The politics of cheaper oil

Isabelle Chaboud

Oil prices today are at the same level as they were in 2009 during the financial crisis. So what are the causes of this collapse - and what might the consequences be?

The geopolitics of the steppes

Jean-François Fiorina

Jean-François Fiorina, Associate-Dean of Grenoble Ecole de Management, talks to Central Asian specialist, writer and explorer, René Cagnat, about the changing geopolitics of a vast region of the globe that is often overlooked.

Feeding the world

Jean-François Fiorina

Hunger is a daily reality for more than one in 10 of the world’s population. And as the population continues to climb, feeding the world ceases to be a humanitarian or economic imperative or even a question of ‘food security’. It becomes a question of survival.

Old world vs new: the geopolitical pendulum

Jean-François Fiorina

Over the past decade, the balance between the ‘old’ industrial world and emerging economies has shifted dramatically. But with an economic slow-down beginning to affect many emerging countries, is the pendulum now swinging back the other way?

It’s a fake! Countering the counterfeiters

Jean-François Fiorina

Counterfeiting has become a global epidemic. Pierre Delval, one of the world’s leading authorities on counterfeiting, talks to Jean-François Fiorina, Associate-Dean of Grenoble Ecole de Management, about the scale of problem and the measures we need to take to combat it.

How currency wars impact business

Brian Amble

When currency wars break out, business gets caught in the crossfire. But the impact of monetary policy can work both ways. So the more businesses leaders are aware of the implications, the more effectively they can plan and react.

The rise of protectionism: are borders making a comeback?

Brian Amble

It’s symptomatic of the economic and political tensions emerging across the globe that borders are regaining their importance and protectionist policies are starting to reappear. As a result, businesses need to navigate international markets that are becoming ever more regulated.

Geopolitics and managing risk

Brian Amble

Any business that operates outside its home turf needs a grasp of geopolitics. As Jean-François Fiorina, vice dean of Grenoble Ecole de Management, tells us, understanding the geopolitical stakes in a country or region helps companies make the right choices and minimize risks.

VUCA, Dao and learning from China

Charles-Edouard Bouée

VUCA - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity – has been playing havoc with the strategies of many Western companies. But Chinese entrepreneurs do not seem unsettled by VUCA: so what can Western leaders learn from the Chinese management style?

The times they are a changin'

Malcolm Parker

We hear a lot these days about the impact of VUCA - volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. But what if this upheaval, disruption and change were perceived not as destructive, but as sowing the seeds for organisational survival?

Leadership challenges of VUCA

Dawna Jones

VUCA - volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity - is the new operating condition for business (and for life). Using these conditions to advantage requires a complete shift in mindset and a letting go of past notions about how the world works.