The Workplace

Does working remotely make work less toxic?

13 Dec 2022 | Wayne Turmel

Some unwelcome workplace behaviors disappear when we work remotely. But when the way we work changes, so do the ways we manage to annoy and undermine each other.

Designing spaces for the connected leader

24 Apr 2017 | Melanie Redman

There’s a growing acknowledgement that hierarchical management structures are no longer effective in a hyper-connected world. But one aspect of the workplace remains stubbornly consistent: the spaces that leaders work in.

Less ‘we’, more ‘me’

16 Sep 2014 | Brian Amble

Privacy is a universal, basic need. But after decades of open plan offices and an unrelenting drive for shared work spaces, the number one complaint from office workers is that a lack of privacy is undermining their ability to do their jobs.

Does your company love you? Check out the washroom

29 Aug 2013 | Brian Amble

With Labor Day approaching and the Silly Survey Season reaching its peak, today we learn that 93 per cent of Americans apparently believe the state of their workplace restroom is an indicator of how their company values its workforce.

Open-plan offices are a false economy

22 Aug 2013 | Brian Amble

If you hate open plan offices, you've got good reason to. Because according to a new study, the costs of open-plan outweigh the supposed benefits, with the argument that they enhance communication and improve productivity having no basis in fact.

Messy desk, creative mind

07 Aug 2013 | Brian Amble

Do you file or pile? The state of your desk says a lot about the type of person you are, according researchers from the University of Minnesota, and if you prefer to be surrounded by clutter and piles of paper, the chances are that you're a creative and original thinker.

Cluttered desk, cluttered mind

01 Apr 2011 | Brian Amble

Having a messy desk could be bad for your career. That's the message from a new survey by US-based recruiter, OfficeTeam, who quizzed more than 500 HR managers at companies with 20 or more employees.

Poor time management drives us crazy

05 May 2010 | Brian Amble

Poor time management has overtaken office gossip as the biggest annoyance in the workplace, a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults has found.

Open spaces, open minds

17 Dec 2009 | Max McKeown

I'm often appalled at the physical spaces and meeting formats in which people are meant to open their minds, solve problems and inspire progress. Desks are for filling in forms and filing papers – not for creating, thinking, making, learning, or collaborating.

Spousal jealosuy

15 Oct 2009 | Derek Torres

I learned a new term today: work spouse. Apparently, these are the people or the person, who you spend your day with at work - and who can make your spouse jealous.

Lessons from Letterman

13 Oct 2009 | Derek Torres

I'm really not interested in the morality of the events around David Letterman, but I do think this is a great example of why it is dumb to have dalliances in the workplace.

A hotbed of passion?

03 Aug 2009 | Derek Torres

I read with some amusement today that the best way to start an office affair is at the company picnic - and that half of American workers have apparently had a romantic liaison with a co-worker.

To ink or not to ink

27 Jul 2009 | Derek Torres

Being a 'live and let live' kind of guy, I don't have an issue with tattoos. I wouldn't refuse to see a doctor, dentist, banker, or any other professional because he or she chose to sport a visible tattoo. But apparently, this line of thinking puts me very much in the minority.

Handling a workplace romance

18 Jun 2009 | Bryan Alaspa

Although they are generally discouraged, the fact is that people do fall in love and enter relationships with co-workers. After all, when you spend eight hours a day with people and have little time for outside relationships, the connections get made at work.

Flying the flag

05 Jun 2009 | Derek Torres

A story comes out of Texas about a woman who was ordered to take down her American flag at work.

Want to take a shower?

28 May 2009 | Derek Torres

Ever wish you could take a shower while at work? Ever wish that others could take a shower while at work? Believe it or not, there's actually a small movement for this luxury.

The worst of the worst

19 May 2009 | Bryan Alaspa

You thought your workplace was bad?, the website for Inc. Magazine, has collected some truly horrific workplace stories that might just put your problems into perspective.

An office is no place for a dog

29 Apr 2009 | Derek Torres

America is a strange, strange place. Where else would people bring their animals to the office? Perhaps it's not so strange, or at least uncommon. But the more I think about it, the more convinced I am that the French would do the same thing if they could!

Habits that annoy

10 Mar 2009 | Bryan Alaspa

Do your co-workers drive you crazy? Well, one of the things you may want to do is take a look at yourself before you run around accusing them of things.

Etiquette down under

26 Jan 2009 | Derek Torres

A survey has put Australia dead last when it comes to workplace politeness and manners. But I think the Aussies are being a bit hard on themselves.