Category Archive

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Employee engagement: the what, why and how

Andy Parsley | 06 December 2005

Employee engagement is the new Holy Grail for organisations worldwide. But what exactly does it mean? Why is it so important? And if you haven't got enough of it, how can you get some more?

Make your employer brand more about substance and less about spin

Nic Paton | 02 November 2005

Employers need to become much clearer and consistent about how they manage their workers and what they want from them if they are to make the most of their employer brand, the man who coined the term has warned.

Summer heat creating ever more casual offices

Nic Paton | 05 August 2005

The days of sweltering through the summer in a suit – whether male or female – may be numbered as an increasing proportion of workers are using the excuse of hot weather to dress down in offices.

More pride in private sector companies

Brian Amble | 03 August 2005

Workers in the private sector have more confidence in where their organisation is going and feel greater pride in the job it is doing for customers and clients than their public sector counterparts.

Predictions for the working future

Brian Amble | 01 August 2005

For an excellent précis what our working future will look like, take a look at the 23 Theses about the future of work over on the Future of Work Blog.

No to O2

Brian Amble | 29 July 2005

Hot on the heals of a recent survey revealing that almost six out of 10 employees in the telecoms sector have experienced symptoms of over-work or burnout in the last six months, it seems that UK mobile telecoms company, O2, is doing its best to prove the grim findings right.

Free agents shun traditional employment

Brian Amble | 30 June 2005

Traditional employment is coming under increasing pressure from the flexibility, personal convenience and personal satisfaction offered by 'free agent' and entrepreneurial lifestyles.

Wanted: superhumans

Charles Helliwell | 29 June 2005

Take a page of job ads; cut off the company logos and corporate flannel surrounding each and just read the copy relating to the job ads. You'll find it almost impossible to differentiate between them.

Stuff your job!

Brian Amble | 28 June 2005

Last week a report from Age Wave and The Concours Group concluded that a growing number of young Americans are dissatisfied, disengaged and unproductive, to the extent that many constitute a negative influence in the workforce.

Meaning and the experience of brand

Michael Bayler | 22 June 2005

So what about brand energy? It should be all about building a 'platform of meaning' between customers and organisations. Most of what I experience however - service, communications or both - creates the sinking feeling of brand entropy.

The Problem of Direction

Michael Bayler | 21 June 2005

This is the end, not the beginning or middle, of the Information Age. What comes next? It's The Age of Meaning.

The Future of Work: "it's life Jim, but not as we know it"

Steve Huxham | 16 June 2005

In 1977, the year that Elvis died, there were 150 impersonators in the USA. Now the figure has swollen to 85,000 (including the ten member 'Flying Elvi' skydiving team!) If the same rate of growth continues, Elvis impersonators will account for a third of the world's population by 2019.

Employers burning their bridges with graduates

Brian Amble | 25 May 2005

As the graduate recruitment season moves into full swing, new research reveals that far too many British employers are damaging their reputations thanks to shockingly poor graduate recruitment practices.

Is the end of the Employer Brand in sight?

Andy Parsley | 11 May 2005

The forces that shape consumer brands are changing. And if the Employer Brand is subjected to similar forces, we might soon be witnessing developments which will have a profound effect upon the people strategies of organisations of all sizes.

Public sector not all 'bowler hats and bureaucrats', says TUC

Nic Paton | 08 April 2005

The 'bowler hats and bureaucrats' image of the public sector – and the view that job cuts can be made without having a negative impact on services – is a myth, unions have argued.

Prunella Scales for Prime Minister?

Nic Paton | 06 April 2005

The main political parties may have started whipping themselves into a fever ahead of the May 5 General Election, but a new poll has suggested that if people elected a company rather than politicians, would choose Tesco.

The basics of employer brand reputation

Nicola Hunt | 02 April 2005

The reputation, brand and emotional capital of organisations is becoming increasingly important as employees begin to demand a similar level of service as they have come to expect as consumers, says employer brand specialist, Nicola Hunt.

The best place to work is 'disorganised'

Brian Amble | 07 March 2005

The Sunday Times published its annual 'Best Companies to Work For' list at the weekend.

Ryanair staff bite back

Brian Amble | 11 January 2005

The International Transport Workers' Federation has set up a website - - to offer the staff of the strongly anti-union airline Ryanair 'the freedom to discuss their work, conditions and any problems they have'.

Don't expect loyalty from tomorrow's workers

Nic Paton | 21 December 2004

Tomorrow's workers will be serial job-hoppers, more focused on quality of life than ambition and making career choices on moral and ethical grounds as much as on salary, a survey has predicted.

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