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Women in leadership: beware the barriers

Dan Bobinski | 20 March 2012

The idea of a glass ceiling is real, but it isn't glass and it's not really a ceiling. A more accurate picture might be a tangled web of trip hazards and barriers, notably around gender-based stereotypes.

Flexible working keeps mothers in the workforce

Brian Amble | 27 June 2011

If employers are serious about wanting to encourage women to return to work after having children, one of the most important things they can do is to offer new mothers greater flexibility about when, where and how they work.

Ernst & Young launches maternity coaching scheme

Brian Amble | 08 June 2011

In an effort to increase the numbers of women staying with the firm after they have children, Ernst & Young has announced a new maternity coaching scheme for staff in the UK are Ireland.

Women shunning finance careers

Brian Amble | 16 May 2011

The number of women between the ages of 20 and 34 working in the US finance industry fell by some 20 per cent between 2001 and 2010 according to an analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Quotas are no silver bullet for women on the board

Nic Paton | 24 February 2011

A British review has suggested that quotas are not the answer to getting more women into the boardroom. Instead, firms need to look at is what will actually work for women rather than aspire to artificial targets.

What holds women back?

Brian Amble | 08 February 2011

Some things, it seems, never change. According to new research from the UK charity Business in the Community, by far the biggest barrier to women getting senior jobs remains their need to balance work and family.

Why women make better bosses

Brian Amble | 24 August 2010

Do women make better bosses? Professor Khalid Aziz, CEO of leadership development consultants the Aziz Corporation, is convinced they do. Women have a less short-termist outlook, are more holistic, big-picture and reasonable, he argues.

Women in executive leadership

Dan Bobinski | 30 April 2010

While working on my Ph.D. in Organizational Learning and Leadership, I've been reading quite a bit lately about organizational structures, leadership, mentoring, etc. One fact that jumped out at me during a recent reading assignment is that only three percent of CEO positions in the Fortune 500 are filled by women. And I'd like to explore why.

Lessons from the velvet hammer

JulieAnn Derby | 15 January 2010

How can women survive and thrive in a male-dominated IT environment? As far as many men are concerned, women have no place in IT and their competence is automatically suspect. But with an understanding of the issues and the ways to get round them, women can beat this engrained sexism.

The wrong background?

Michelle Brailsford | 18 November 2009

Mary has recently been promoted into a senior role within an all-male technical team. But with a background in sales, her colleagues seem to have little respect for her opinions and criticize her for a lack of technical knowledge. What can she do?

Groundhog Day

Derek Torres | 24 September 2009

Every time I read about women getting fired when they get pregnant, I feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. It's like we're stuck in 1959 and it keeps repeating, repeating, repeating

UK plc driving out talented women

Barry Wade | 12 August 2009

Why are so many women in the UK turning their backs on conventional 9-5 jobs to go it alone? Perhaps that's a question more companies should start asking themselves.

Women directors 'hounding' CEOs into falling profitability

Barry Wade | 07 August 2009

Companies embracing diversity and increasing the number of women at board level may be heading for a profit slump if they already have good governance structures in place, a leading academic has warned.

Diversity needs to be about men, too

Nic Paton | 28 May 2009

Unless they involve men in their gender equality efforts, organisations will never reap the full benefits of having workplaces that are truly diverse.

Women held back in the workplace at all levels

Nic Paton | 01 May 2009

New research argues that even in the best-intentioned organisations, women get less access to mentoring, fast-track development and international postings than their male colleagues.

Exodus of women could reinforce banking glass ceiling

Nic Paton | 15 April 2009

The recession could reverse the progress made by big banks in the past few years in bringing women into senior positions - because women themselves are using the downturn to step off the corporate treadmill.

Male or female?

Bryan Alaspa | 26 March 2009

Whether we want to admit it or not, most of us have a preference when it come to whether we'd prefer a male of female boss. Why is that?

Coaching through glass ceiling

Nic Paton | 16 March 2009

Better coaching by senior management and encouraging women to aspire to board-level positions can make a big difference in helping to shatter the glass ceiling.

Why all the fuss about pregnancy?

Derek Torres | 11 March 2009

I can't imagine what it's like to be pregnant, though I do feel like I'm carrying around some extra weight in the belly that, unfortunately, doesn't go away after nine months. But maybe I can imagine how frustrating it must be for pregnant women trying to make a living.

An MBA no use for women?

Nic Paton | 27 February 2009

The MBA has long cherished its reputation for helping ambitious high-flyers get on the career fast-track. But according to new research, that's only true if those high-flyers happen to be men.

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