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Minority report

Derek Torres | 18 August 2008

US census data revealing that white Americans will be in the minority by 2050 also has some pretty big implications for the workplace.

Beyond the tick-box culture

Julia Middleton | 11 June 2007

I'm tired of the usual conversations about diversity which never go beyond statistics, ticking boxes and categories of race, gender or age. The essence of real diversity is difference - and that means embracing different ways of behaving, thinking and seeing the world.

British firms sceptical about workplace diversity

Nic Paton | 21 February 2007

British businesses are sceptical about the benefits of a multi-cultural workforce and have little interest in employing people from ethnic minorities, a new report has found.

American managers still predominantly white and male

Nic Paton | 18 January 2007

Managers may talk a good talk about diversity but the majority are still white males, with a fifth of Americans saying they know someone who has been denied a job, raise or promotion because of their race or gender.

Faith-at-work movement poses challenge for U.S employers

Nic Paton | 14 December 2006

American workers are increasingly demanding the right to bring their faith into the workplace, a trend that poses challenges – and opportunities – for U.S employers

Capitalising on the ageing workforce

Brian Amble | 05 December 2006

A new white paper, 'Tapping into the Older Worker Talent Pool' has been published to highlight the opportunity for companies in the UK to address the looming skills crisis by recruiting older workers.

Should I stay or should I go?

Brian Amble | 31 October 2006

What is it that motivates a worker to leave a job, or accept or decline a new position – and do age, gender or ethnicity have any bearing on these? A new report seeks to provide some answers.

Older workers face backlash despite a wealth of experience

Nic Paton | 18 October 2006

Older workers are often unable to keep pace with new technology and are viewed increasingly negatively in many other areas. But according to a U.S. survey, they more than make up for this in other ways.

Drive to get more ethnic minorities into British boardrooms

Nic Paton | 17 October 2006

British leadership organisations are launching a drive to get more people from black and ethnic minority communities into the boardroom.

Ireland needs to embrace workplace diversity

Nic Paton | 21 September 2006

Irish employers have been warned they have to get a grip with the notion of workplace diversity, as it is now one of the key challenges facing managers in the country.

U.S firms scramble to be seen as gay-friendly

Nic Paton | 20 September 2006

A record number of large American companies are now competing to be seen as 'gay-friendly' as firms scramble to improve their company policies and benefits, a new survey has revealed.

Asian entrepreneurs race ahead

Nic Paton | 05 September 2006

The wealth of Asian entrepreneurs in the UK has grown by three times as the economy as a whole since 1998, with Asian success stories increasingly being seen in 'non-traditional' sectors and industries.

More diversity brings increased profitability

Brian Amble | 17 August 2006

Companies with more racially diverse workforces are often better and more profitable performers than those with a more homogeneous makeup, new U.S. research suggests.

Gay and lesbian staff more welcome in Square Mile

Nic Paton | 11 July 2006

Out of an estimated 900,000 people working in London's Square Mile, some 55,000 are gay or lesbian and this number is growing as the stigma over homosexuality in the City wanes.

CEOs get abroad to get ahead

Brian Amble | 03 July 2006

Despite all the talk of board diversity, the typical CEO of a FTSE100 company is still likely to be a male in his 50s with an accountancy background. But in one respect, at least, there has been a major shift in the career patterns of Britain's top CEOs.

Women still rare in Europe's boardrooms

Brian Amble | 20 June 2006

The number of women in Europe's boardrooms is stagnating, with only the Scandinavian countries breaking the mould thanks to proactive policies and controversial quotas.

Dormant skills being left untapped

Brian Amble | 17 May 2006

Employers need to be doing more to attract mothers, carers, retired people and other 'returners' back into the workplace if they want to tackle changing workplace demographics.

Left behind in the enterprise stakes

Brian Amble | 01 May 2006

The UK economy could receive a £580 billion shot in the arm if more businesses were started by women, ethnic minorities and people living outside London and the South East.

Preconceptions of older workers changing

Brian Amble | 07 April 2006

British attitudes to older workers are gradually changing, although ageism in the workplace still remains an issue, a new survey has found.

Diversity initiatives are glorified PR stunts

Brian Amble | 16 March 2006

Most finance professionals in the UK believe that workplace diversity initiatives are glorified PR stunts designed largely to ensure that employers avoid prosecution under discrimination laws.

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