Category Archive

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Agile teams, fragile teams

Wayne Turmel | 25 February 2009

Agile project management is fast becoming the next big thing. The more I learn about it, the more I'm convinced that while there are extremely valuable lessons to be learned, there are also some warnings to be heeded as well.

The lessons of total quality management

Robert Heller | 08 May 2008

How could a project as high-profile and important as the opening of Heathrow airport's new Terminal Five have gone so disastrously awry at such a sensitive moment? Robert Heller dissects the fiasco.

Amateur management leads to project failure

Brian Amble | 11 May 2007

Poor project management discipline means that just a third of organizations manage to deliver projects effectively, with a quarter frequently seeing projects blighted by delays and cost overruns.

Building trust in distant teams

ArLyne Diamond | 20 February 2007

Trust is not easy to develop in the best of circumstances. When working with teams whose members may never have met each other, these problems only increase. So how can we build trust in such an environment?

Silence - the root cause of project failure

Brian Amble | 11 October 2006

Want to know the real reason that major business initiatives or projects fail? According to new research, failing to discuss five key issues before embarking on a new initiative almost guarantees that it will get derailed.

People failures undermine flagship IT projects

Nic Paton | 23 January 2006

Multi-million pound corporate IT projects normally go wrong because companies become too pre-occupied with the technology and overlook the need to address how it will change the way their people work.

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