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Pivots, pirouettes and silver linings

Nicola Hunt | 19 May 2020

How have companies whose business models were made obsolete overnight managed to ride out the coronavirus storm?

Will employment litigation derail recovery?

Alan Jenkins | 15 May 2020

It’s all very well governments wanting to get people back to work. But if employers risk litigation or prosecution if staff contract COVID-19, many will conclude that it simply isn’t worth the risk of re-opening.

The importance of purpose in motivating your people

Marybeth Belka | 13 May 2020

One of the biggest lessons from the coronavirus pandemic has been that incredible feats can be accomplished when leaders share a sense of purpose.

Mental wellbeing for leaders and managers

Christine Macdonald | 06 May 2020

Working in a leadership or management role can be trying at the best of times. But in the uncertain period we find ourselves in at present, the pressures can sometimes seem overwhelming.

The great COVID divide

Nicola Hunt | 04 May 2020

As the COVID lockdown continues, a new UK survey finds a-near equal split between positive and negative employee emotions, but with big rises in anxiety and stress and growing fears about finances.

What will life be like after the pandemic?

Manfred Kets De Vries | 29 April 2020

What is the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic going to look like? Will we go back to normal? Will we even want to? Or will the crisis invite us to rethink our future?

Employee wellness falling by the wayside

Nicola Hunt | 28 April 2020

Most businesses are failing to look after employee wellness while they work from home during the coronavirus lockdown, according to new research.

Home workers struggle with isolation

Nicola Hunt | 23 April 2020

A sense of isolation caused by a the loss of interaction with work colleagues is one of the biggest issues people are having to deal with whilst working from home.

The aches and pains of homeworking

Nicola Hunt | 23 April 2020

Half of those now working from home as a result of the coronavirus pandemic are experiencing physical pain due to poor home office set-ups, a new survey has found.

How to thrive while working from home

Tony Anticole | 22 April 2020

Despite its many benefits, many of us are also discovering the downsides of remote working and being physically distant from colleagues.

Homeworking feels good - and people don't want it to stop

Nicola Hunt | 20 April 2020

Almost seven in ten workers feel they are either more productive or equally productive working from home, but many fear that their employers will probably want to return to the status quo once the pandemic is over.

Five reasons remote teams fail

Wayne Turmel | 20 April 2020

Many managers are now discovering that leading a remote team isn’t that different to leading a co-located one. But they do have to re-think how they do certain things. Here are five ways you can get that wrong.

Working from home exposes cyber security flaws

Nicola Hunt | 17 April 2020

The mass move to working from home has exposed gaping holes in companies' cyber security risk management, new research has warned.

Mission first, people always

Gary Burnison | 15 April 2020

During this crisis, it is people who will be the ultimate differentiator. And leading means meeting people where they are, because that's the only way to convert self-interest to shared interest.

How do you manage distributed workers?

Rod Collins | 14 April 2020

As many managers are now discovering, traditional management isn’t designed for a remote workforce. Instead, we need to make a rapid shift from centralized command-and-control structures into highly adaptive distributed networks.

Scenario planning: the time is now

James M. Kerr | 06 April 2020

As business leaders try to figure out how to stay afloat, it's important not to confuse scenario planning with business continuity planning. The two are not the same.

Leveraging the gift of crisis

Christos Tsolkas | 03 April 2020

The unforeseen arrival of the coronavirus means that all the rules of business have suddenly changed. Preparing for eventualities that were once unthinkable demands radical innovation - and in that sense, at least, a crisis can be a gift.

How businesses act in the face of adversity will shape their future

Jane Rexworthy | 02 April 2020

How organisations behave towards their stakeholders - their staff, their customers and the communities within which they operate - during the coronavirus crisis will not be forgotten after the pandemic is over.

Key skills for virtual leaders

Wayne Turmel | 26 March 2020

Suddenly finding yourself sitting at home leading a virtual team is a tough call, particularly with everything else that's going on in the world. So here are seven key behaviors that will make the task of virtual working much easier.

How to manage employees remotely

Hannah Prince | 23 March 2020

Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, working from home is now the new normal. But for managers unused to remote team working, this could pose some serious challenges.

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