Category Archive

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Four out of 10 suffer post-holiday stress

Brian Amble | 23 July 2010

If the thought of what's waiting for you at work when you return from your summer holiday is enough to make you wish you hadn't gone away in the first place, then you're not alone.

Do less, stress less

Myra White | 19 July 2010

One of the most common complaints people make about work is that they have no time. There are always new deadlines to meet or crises needing attention. At the heart of this lack of time lies technology. We have been brainwashed to believe that technology reduces our workloads and improves the quality of our lives.

Praying for a better working environment

Nicola Hunt | 17 May 2010

Management at Chinese manufacturing giant Foxconn Technology, the world's biggest contract maker of electronics, have invited monks from the Sacred Buddist Shrine of Wutai Mountain,to pray for a positive working environment after two workers committed suicide within days of each other earlier this month.

Superman is a fictional character

Dan Bobinski | 08 May 2010

Most executives are expected to have the attributes of Superman - such as being able to leap tall problems in a single bound. But every strength has a corresponding weakness, and one of these is not recognizing the costs and causes of stress, either in themselves or in those around them.

A little help wouldn't hurt

Derek Torres | 25 September 2009

One of the big stories in France over recent weeks has been the controversy surrounding a spate of suicides by employees at France Telecom. Which begs the question of what a company's role ought to be in dealing with workplace trauma.

Pressure, panic and productivity

Nic Paton | 17 April 2009

No one expects managers to be relaxed in the current environment. But under-pressure bosses who demand instant and unreasonable results are risking a backlash.

It's a jungle out there

Nic Paton | 06 March 2009

With more than a quarter of Americans admitting they would resort to blackmail, backstabbing or flirting with the boss to keep their job, the challenge for managers is how to stop the law of the jungle taking over their workplaces.

Stable is good for your heart

Derek Torres | 04 November 2008

When it comes to another day at the office, stable is the place to be. No, I'm not talking about working around horses (which might not be such a bad life), but in routine.

Meltdown risks mental health disaster

Nic Paton | 28 October 2008

The global economic and financial meltdown is not just hitting people's pockets but also their mental wellbeing, a raft of reports has suggested.

Avoiding a meltdown

Bryan Alaspa | 29 September 2008

Everyone has experienced or witnessed a meltdown at work. Sometimes the pressures of the job or the day can build and build until something snaps. Of course, if you aren't careful, such an event can lead to someone being fired.

Good and bad stress

Brian Amble | 24 September 2008

Stress is unavoidable. But while stress can be positively beneficial and stimulating, it can also be enormously damaging to both our productivity and, ultimately, our health. So what's the difference between good and bad stress?

Australians shun the barbie to stay late at the office

Nic Paton | 28 August 2008

On TV they're always be hanging about the barbie in shorts, but in reality Australian managers work harder and for longer - and suffer more illness than their counterparts in the UK.

Stress costs Australia dear

Derek Torres | 19 August 2008

Workplace stress and general un-wellness is costing the Australia economy $14.81 billion (Australian) every year, a new report suggests.

Japanese engineer dies of overwork

Brian Amble | 10 July 2008

One of Toyota's senior car engineers died from working too many hours, a Japanese labour bureau has found.

Managing workplace anxiety

Myra White | 09 April 2008

Too much anxiety kills performance. Yet anxiety is often ignored in the workplace or considered a sign of weakness that needs to be swept under the desk. So what can those who manage others do about it?

Office survial strategies

Bryan Alaspa | 11 March 2008

With almost everything you read suggesting that the working world is getting more and more stressful, how does anyone manage to survive in the modern office without going insane?

Executive survival in the modern world

Bryan Alaspa | 06 March 2008

One thing everyone seems to agree on is the fact that the world has gotten more hectic and that surviving in the world of modern business is getting more and more difficult.

Stress increases risk of heart disease

Nic Paton | 24 January 2008

It isn't only older people who are at risk of heart attacks. Academics have found that those under 50 in highly stressful jobs may be two thirds more likely to suffer from heart disease.

A spiritual response to stress

Derek Torres | 24 December 2007

An interesting idea bandied about by a Welsh clergyman is certain to gain heated responses both for and against – it's probably for that reason that it wasn't published in the press until the Xmas weekend!

The cost of workplace anguish

Derek Torres | 19 December 2007

Any idea how much anguish and mental distress is costing the UK economy? Probably not, but if you did, you'd likely start to feel anguished, too.

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