Category Archive

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Senge and sensibility

Des Dearlove & Stuart Crainer | 17 September 2008

Peter Senge, once described as the 'strategist of the century', explains to Stuart Crainer the steps we need to take towards creating a more sustainable world and why this change is imperative.

The rise and rise of the four-day week

Brian Amble | 04 August 2008

A four-day work week might seem like a radical way to cut energy consumption, but it is gaining acceptance among state governments across the U.S. and looks set to spread further still.


Derek Torres | 24 July 2008

Newsflash: British and Irish employees don't give a hoot about the environment – at least, judging by the amount of paper they waste every day at work.

Green credentials can boost employee loyalty

Nic Paton | 22 July 2008

With rising fuel prices hitting workers' wallets, an employer's green credentials are becoming an increasingly important retention tool as well as something nice to have from a brand perspective.

UK workers shunning cars as fuel prices bite

Nic Paton | 12 June 2008

With fuel prices at a record high, more and more British workers are looking at ways of getting to work other than by car, with some even considering moving jobs to be closer to home.

Still sceptical about climate change

Nic Paton | 26 February 2008

The gap between the attitudes of U.S, UK and European businesses leaders towards climate change is as large as ever, according to new research.

UK executives all at sea over climate change

Nic Paton | 20 February 2008

Eight out of 10 senior British business leaders recognise climate change is becoming a serious business issue, yet they have no idea whether to see it as a threat or opportunity.

Cool business

Derek Torres | 16 November 2007

If you've been to Japan in the summer, you'll know how hot it can get. Which is one reason why the Japanese government is trying to get businessmen to hang up their jackets and ties for something a little cooler.

The bottom line is not the bottom line

Dan Bobinski | 11 September 2007

Corporations have been cutting corners and forsaking moral purpose in the pursuit of bigger profits for years. Yet as we continue to experience unnecessary illness, polution, death, and disease as a result, isn't it time we answered the question, 'how much is enough?'

Everything's gone green

Derek Torres | 13 August 2007

The latest addition to the HQ of biotech company Genzyme is an indoor garden complete with a tropical waterfall in the reception area. And guess what? Nine out of 10 Genzyme employees believe that the gardens improved their general well-being.

Fuming over unnecessary business travel

Nic Paton | 06 July 2007

Despite pressure on business to reduce its carbon footprint, many employers still insisting that staff jump on a plane or drive to meetings at the drop of a hat.

Can we be more responsible?

John Blackwell | 04 July 2007

Simon wants to know how his mid-sized organisation can be more environmentally responsibility and wants to learn more about the merits of adopting a carbon neutral position. John Blackwell has some insights as to the real issues and benefits.

To be, or be seen to be – that is the question.

Andy Hanselman | 25 June 2007

More and more businesses are going green. But delve a little deeper and it becomes clear that much of this is greenwashing - many are just going through the motions. They might have jumped on a bandwagon but they're going to fall off – and fall hard.

Rising cost of commuting leaves Americans feeling worse off

Nic Paton | 06 June 2007

With more Americans than ever feeling out of pocket as rising gas prices hit the cost of the daily commute, pressure for creative solutions such as telecommuting is growing.

Climate change creates jobs boom

Brian Amble | 29 May 2007

The growing issue of climate change has created a whole new jobs market as large companies recruit skilled senior staff to develop strategies to understand and mitigate their environmental impacts.

Can working from home save the planet?

Gareth Kane | 17 May 2007

This time last year I was sitting in a stuffy, badly furnished office building, looking at a blockwork wall and facing an hour's commute home. Now I look out at the trees in the valley that runs behind my house. No prizes for guessing which I prefer.

So what is a normal job?

John Blackwell | 05 April 2007

The nature of work is changing far quicker than the economic world around us. But this means that a lot of things that organisations and managers used to take for granted are just no longer delivering or sustainable - whether they like it or not.

How green is your company car

Nic Paton | 15 March 2007

The days when executives proudly compared notes on who had the biggest gas guzzler are long gone, now the mark of a true high flyer is whether your company car will also help to save the planet.

U.S bosses out of step on climate change

Nic Paton | 25 January 2007

Fewer than a fifth of American chief executives are worried about the threat from climate change, something that puts them increasingly out of step with their colleagues in Europe and Asia Pacific.

Ikea says "on yer bike"

Brian Amble | 20 December 2006

Retail giant Ikea has given its 9,000 employees in the UK a fold-up bike each, in the hope that they will use them for all or part of their journey to work instead of using a bus or car.

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