Diversity & Inclusion

Communication differences on diverse teams

17 May 2023 | David Livermore

Differences in communication styles can be a constant source of conflict on diverse teams. Understanding these differences is key to building trust, avoiding misunderstandings and leading more effectively.

How to build trust on a diverse team

05 Sep 2022 | David Livermore

Diverse teams have a harder time trusting each other than homogeneous teams do. Here are three evidence-based ways to go about building that trust.

Presenting to diverse audiences

28 Mar 2022 | David Livermore

Presentation skills are a critical part of being an effective leader. But the more diverse your audience, the more you have to plan ahead and adjust the way you present.

The biggest source of conflict on diverse teams

13 Dec 2021 | David Livermore

Clashing expectations are the main source of conflict in almost any relationship. And nowhere is that more true than with the intercultural challenges of diverse teams.

The culturally intelligent team

18 Aug 2021 | David Livermore

It's harder to get things done on a diverse team. But with moderate to high levels of cultural intelligence, diverse teams can outperform homogeneous teams in a number of important ways.

The group excluded from diversity programs

18 Nov 2020 | David Livermore

The US is a divided nation, in part because many working class individuals believe progressives and diversity advocates have compassion for everyone - except them. Might they be right?

We're in a crisis! Why can't we all just get along?

19 Aug 2020 | David Livermore

Even faced by a global pandemic, we don't seem able to bridge our tribal divides and leverage our differences to find solutions, rather than using them to further destroy us.

Emotional intelligence doesn't translate

24 Sep 2018 | David Livermore

Emotions are universal. But the ways in which different cultures express them are not. So what’s considered appropriate in one culture could get you in trouble if blindly applied to colleagues and friends elsewhere.

A white guy's humble advice to black professionals

16 May 2017 | David Livermore

Companies are chasing diverse candidates. But how can those candidates use cultural intelligence to help them find the kind of employer who will include their perspectives as a critical part of their strategy rather than using them to up their diversity counts?

Overcoming diversity fatigue

16 Sep 2016 | David Livermore

Too many diversity initiatives fail because they’re based on a punitive, ‘shame on you’ posture. What we need is a strategic, hope-filled approach emphasizing what we all gain from more diverse and inclusive workplaces and communities.

What diversity matters most?

23 Sep 2015 | David Livermore

Diversity of thought, work style, function and age are all important forms of difference. But not all diversity is equal. The two types of diversity that matter most are visible diversity and under-representation.

Why you shouldn't adapt to other cultures

07 Nov 2013 | David Livermore

Being culturally intelligent doesn't mean you need to be a cultural chameleon. In fact retaining our differences can actually make us stronger, and trying to adapt to another culture is sometimes inauthentic or even insulting.

Hiding who you really are damages productivity

09 Oct 2013 | Brian Amble

Hiding fundamental truths about yourself at work – such as your sexual orientation – also affects the basic mental, physical and interpersonal skills you need to do your job, new research suggests.

Mentoring gap keeping women and minorities out of corporate elite

20 Sep 2013 | Brian Amble

The numbers of women and people from racial minorities serving on America's corporate boards may have increased over the past decade, but the influential elite holding multiple board positions remains a white, male closed-shop. New research explores why.

More diversity, more religious conflict

16 Sep 2013 | Brian Amble

Diversity is a fact of life in the American workplace. Half of American workers now come into contact with people from different cultural and religious backgrounds when they are at work, and with this increased rate of interaction comes an increased risk of religious conflict.

Cultural diversity and "speaking up"

14 Sep 2012 | David Livermore

Cultural diversity creates one of the best opportunities for innovation but it can also be one of the biggest roadblocks if it isn't handled with cultural intelligence. For example, in meetings the whole idea of 'speaking up' is interpreted differently depending upon your cultural background.

Who you know still matters

30 Aug 2012 | Brian Amble

A 10-year study of British companies has found that you are about four times as likely to be appointed as a director if you are a member of the same golf club as a serving member of the board.

Moving beyond the fluff in intercultural training

07 Feb 2011 | David Livermore

The globalized world offers a sea of opportunities and challenges. But trying to do 'business as usual' when working across borders is a recipe for failure – which is why cross-cultural training is a strategic imperative, not a 'nice-to-have'.

The magic of difference

12 Jul 2010 | Jane Gunn

Difference and diversity can be seen as a threat in organisations and teams but here are three important things you can do to discover the magic of difference.

Diversity needs to be about men, too

28 May 2009 | Nic Paton

Unless they involve men in their gender equality efforts, organisations will never reap the full benefits of having workplaces that are truly diverse.